PT Games Freebies

This page will feature whatever add-ons, corrections, or fun free stuff that either we make or better yet that you the players have made that has enhanced your experience with a game from us.

Dice Roller/FAC Flippers

Hockey Bones and PT Games Basketball are featured

Lewis Dice Rollers/FAC Flippers

Faceoff/Hockey Bones Dice Roller by Keith Wright HBRoller PT Note this is a zip file.

Solo PTG Football Card Flipper by Tony Betros  Note this is a zip file. Solo PTG Football Card Flipper

PTG Hockey/Hockey Bones/FaceOff items

Sample Walk-through from Peter Miller – HOCKEY BONES Sample Play Through

Hockey Bones stat sheet Hockey Bones stat sheet

Hockey Bones Shift Counter Shifts page

Optional Penalty Type Chart by Larry Rice Optional Hockey Bones Penalty Types Chart

Optional Injury Chart by Larry Rice Optional Hockey Bones Season Replay Injury Chart

The following items are historical in nature. PT Games had no hand in the creation and presents them as given to us.

FaceOff Rules History – Compiled by Doc Savage faceoffrules history

CSKA and the Soviet Wings from Super Series 76 FOH 1976 Soviet Teams

1980 Olympics 1980 Olympics

1977-81 FaceOff ruleset 77-81 rules

Old Style FaceOff statsheets Old style statsheets

1982-83 FaceOff order form 1982-83 Order Form

Faceoff Score Sheet Faceoff Scoresheet

PT Games Basketball

PT Games Basketball Scoresheet PT Games Basketball scoresheet

2021-22 Shot Likely (SL) rule change – Compatible with all cardsets from 2021+ seasons, pro and college. PT Games Basketball 2022 rule change-card cover page

Solo PTG Football 

Stat Sheet – Solo PTG Football Stat Sheet

Action and 1-5 Steps Deck Card Flipper Note this is a Zip File for Excel- Solo PTG Football Card Flipper

PT Games Podcast Channel – Moved to its own page see Menu

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