This page will serve as the central repository for updates and FAQ’s on DriveThruCards Print and PDF from PT Games.
Scroll down for the FAQ on ordering through DTC.
Note – All PDF products are available directly from the PT Games Store
All PDFs are NOT available through the DTC store.
How to shop at drivethrucards.com
For anyone unsure how to navigate or shop at drivethrucards.com we have produced a short walkthrough video.

Hockey Bones Print and PDF Releases
Hockey Bones Core Game – Print and PDF
1959-60 – Print
1966-67 – 1969-70 – Print
1970-71 East and West Conferences – Print [Bundle deal available]
1971-72 East and West Conferences – Print [Bundle deal available]
1972-73 East and West Conferences – Print [Bundle deal available]
1973-74 East and West Conferences – Print [Bundle deal available]
1974-75 East and West Conferences – Print [Bundle deal available]
1975-76 Patrick and Campbell Conferences+Combo + Team Assist Cards – Print [Bundle deal available]
1977-78 Campbell and Prince of Wales Conferences + Combo – Print [Bundle deal available]
1979-80 By Division+Combo – Print [Bundle deal available]
1981-82 Prince of Wales Conference+Smythe Division+Norris Division+Combo [Bundle deal available]
1983-84 Campbell Conference+Patrick Division+Adams Division+Combo – Print [Bundle deal available]
1984-85 All Teams+Team Assist Cards [Print]
1992-93 By Division+Combo – Print [Bundle deal available]
2020-21 By Division+Combo – Print [Bundle deal available]
6-All Time Teams – Print
Second Edition of 6-All Time Teams – Print
ARC Cards – Print
Hockey Bones Accessories, new rink design, ARC Cards, and 6-All Time Teams – Print [Bundle deal available]
New Hockey Bones Rink Design – Print
All seasons are available in PDF through PT Games webstore

Solo PTG Football Print and PDF Releases
1-5 Steps Deck and Action Deck – Print Bundle
Core Game – Print
2009-2021 Team Sheets with individual team penalty tables PDF – PT Games webstore

PTG Football Print and PDF Releases
Action Deck – Print
PTG Football Demo – PDF
PTG Football Complete Game – Print Bundle. Due to DTC printing and shipping, you will need to choose the rules booklet and game parts as separate items.
2009-2021 Player cards + individual team penalty tables PDF – PT Games webstore

PT Games Pro & College, Men’s & Women’s Basketball
PT Games Basketball Core Game – Print
WNBA Entire history PDF – PT Games webstore
WNBA 2020-21 Print
NBA seasons 1979-2021 PDF – PT Games webstore
NBA 2020-21 Print
Men’s College Basketball 2020-23 PDF
Women’s College Basketball 2020-23 PDF
All Games
Download of all PT Games Sports collection, demo or core games for Hockey Bones, PTG Football, PTG Solo Football, and PTG College Basketball – PDF [Bundle deal available]
Q: Does PT Games handle customer issues for Drive ThruCards products?
A: No. For all issues related to Drive ThruCards ordering, website, checkout, or any other matter related to a purchase through the DTC webstore use the link below.
Q: Are there different prices on products between the PT Games store and Drivethrucards?
A: No. With two exceptions. The Hockey Bones “Pre-Release” cardsets available directly from PT Games and sale items on DTC such as Deal of the Day or Christmas in July sales. No special orders from PT Games.
Q: Why this move to DTC?
A: We have actually been in the OneBookShelf system since 2004. We began as a Dungeons & Dragons game material publisher on rpgnow.com. OneBookShelf bought the rpgnow webstore and merged into the DriveThru webstores. We have published PDF’s of Faceoff Hockey and Hockey Bones since 2011 in the OneBook Shelf system. We felt the time was right to increase our presence on Drivethrucards.com with the various titles and make print game material more readily available.
Q: Books and Cards are handled separately on the DTC website?
A: Yes. DTC is owned by One Book Shelf (OBS). OBS prints cards in one location and contracts out the book printing so it comes from a different location. Separate shipping costs are associated with this process. You will see that we offer Bundle pricing on certain items to help lessen the overall cost. DTC is working on this conundum but it is prohibitively expensive to buy and run presses so they will continue to contract the work.
Q: I live outside North America, is it more expensive to print and ship to me through DTC?
A: No. DTC operates presses for books in the UK so they print and ship from that location for orders outside North America.
Q: How often are you putting print items on DTC?
A: As fast as we can. It is a 2-3 week process for cards and 30-days+ for a booklet so we will announce new print items through our various communication channels when a product becomes “live” on DTC.
Q: How/What are the choices for print made?
A: We will ask through our communication channels and release items as we decide on sales potential, need, and interest.
Q: How do DTC print cards differ from the standard PT Games print cards?
A: PT Games local printer used a C2S 12 pt. high-gloss cardstock and printed on one side with straight corners. DriveThruCards uses high-gloss heavy cardstock (think Magic or Bicycle playing cards), rounded corners, and double-sided. DTC allows 300 cards per set so larger sets must be split into smaller sets for print. DTC does have plastic cases for a maximum of 120 cards and all sets of less than 120 cards will ship with a PT Games-designed tuck box for easy storage.
Q: I bought a Hockey Bones Printed Player Cardset from DTC, where are the bench minor and game misconduct tables?
A: Directly from the DTC product page. You will find on the middle of the page next to the “Browse Categories” the game logos select ‘View Rulebook’ to get the bench minor/game misconduct tables and a list of all the players in this set.
Q: What are bundles?
A: Due to DTC print limits of 300 cards per set certain cardsets require multiple sets for a complete season (i.e. 1971-72 Hockey Bones is sold as East Division, West Division, or Combo) so to help you the consumer we have bundled them and offered a discount if you buy the complete set.
Q: DTC has a limit of 300 cards per set?
A: Yes. The cutting and bundling process only allows for 300 cards in a given set, so except for special series and Hockey Bones sets made before the 1970-71 season, ALL cardsets are multiple sets, so find and buy the bundle to ensure a complete season replay set of cards.